Our price structure shows the different options we offer. The prices are shown only for a single site, but multisite users will get discounts based on the number of sites they operate using the platform. We know that each landfill and each customer are unique so do not hesitate to contact us to get a quote.
If you are working as a consultant or surveyor for landfill sites, please contact us directly to discuss your needs and business.
Standard package
The standard package will make sure you can manage your assets in a digital form. It is the basis for all the work done on the platform and includes all the general functions you might need.
Installation costs will depend on the level of digitalization you already achieved. If you have the data in a readily accessible form, excel, Database, GIS, CAD, API, etc, installation can be pretty easy. And if you have not, we can help you with that.
Standard packageNeeded to start
€ 425
Per Month- Dashboard
- Asset management
- Measurement management
- Topographic surveys management
- Manage georeferenced pictures and comments from inspection
- Weather station (public or private)
€ -
Only once- The installation fee includes the creation of the account and the import of assets and background data.
- The installation costs will depend on the number of assets imported, the type of data you have (digitalized, paper,etc.). You might want to do the preparation work or ask for our help to digitalize and organize your data, it’s up to you!
- We will discuss the installation fee with you during an introduction meeting.
€ -
Only once- If you wish to work more efficiently, we can help you setup your monitoring plan, maintenance plan, report layout, etc.
- We can provide consultants in the field of landfill operation, GIS, drone surveying, LEAN management from our own team or through our partner network.
- We can review your monitoring data and help you interpret it and transform it into an action plan implemented across your team.
Complementary modules
Once your landfill is digitalized you will get access to a new world. Depending on your needs, you can select specific modules to unlock the power of eLandfill. Have a look at each module and feature. We can help you choose the one that will give you the best added value for your operation.
GasFor landfill gas
€ 170
Per Month- Gas collection map analysis
- Gas generation model
- Oversee your equipment (flare/engine/upgrading)
- Determine your collection efficiency
WaterFor water and leachate
€ 120
Per Month- Manage laboratory results
- Keep track of thresholds limits
- Follow on your monitoring plan
TopographyUnlock 3D capabilities
€ 190
Per Month- Display your site in 3D
- Calculate volumes, slopes, etc.
- Process drone data
MaintenanceEfficient maintenance
€ 75
Per Month- Manage maintenance tasks
- Add dated comments
- Display pictures and comments in a list with priority and on a map
Are these the only plans?
The Standard Package and the extra modules presented here are defined as our standard offering. We are continuously adding more and we welcome user feedback and discussion on special needs. Feel free to tell us about your ideas and we could implement something for you.
Are there any discounts?
If you have several sites, we can discuss your needs and adapt the pricing accordingly. We are flexible to make sure you see value in our platform.
When will my account be activated?
Account activation takes only few days. Then data uploading and setup your landfill digital twin will take approximately 2-3 weeks. From that point it is up to you to feed the system with data or send us some more data to be digitalized and/or transformed.
Can I cancel at any time?
After a trial period of 6 months, you can cancel. But we are pretty sure that once you have installed your site on eLandfill, you will not want to do that.