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International development of eLandfill

Our eLandfill platform continues its international development with new sites being installed and PoC with several waste management groups.

Our solution is made for landfills around the world that share the same struggles and understand the need for digital transformation and leaner management. We are focusing our development on direct user feedback so that we can development the most useful operational tool.

It is interesting to see that even though cultures and perceptions of landfills are widely varying between countries, the operational side is almost the same across borders and standardization is possible.

New version release for eLandfill

Since the first years of development and commercialisation, we have received lots of positive feedback from landfill operators. The demand for a single digital platform with integrated functionalities is clear and we have identified major needs for the future from our customers. To respond to these requirements, we have reshaped our solution from the ground with a new architecture and more advanced workflows all included in our eLandfill V2.0.

Here are some of the improvements that will help us to service even better landfills:
* An integrated Geoserver for better mapping capabilities
* An Android app to gather data directly on the field
* Better access management to facilitate collaboration and data access in a secure way
* The platform is hosted within the EU but can also be implemented on your servers easily

Now that the big step to the new architecture is completed, we will work on finalizing new versions of the specific modules and integration with existing systems using APIs or other sorts of data transmission.

A Platform To Reduce Landfill Greenhouse Gas Emissions

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), landfills are responsible for approximately 10% of the global anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Emissions mainly come from  the landfill gas escaping to the atmosphere because it is not sufficiently managed or not managed at all and landfill gas is composed usually of 60% methane (CH4) and 40% carbon dioxide (CO2).

Sanitary landfills typically have gas collection systems in place to capture methane emissions and prevent their release into the atmosphere. Our platform eLandfill can analyze operational data from these systems to optimize their efficiency and effectiveness. This includes adjusting extraction rates, identifying and repairing leaks, and optimizing the placement of collection wells based on real-time methane emission data.

By analyzing historical data on methane emissions, waste deposition rates, and environmental factors, the platform can develop predictive models to forecast future emissions trends. This enables proactive planning and implementation of measures to reduce methane emissions, such as optimizing landfill cover placement or implementing alternative daily cover practices.

Landfill operators are subject to regulatory requirements regarding methane emissions monitoring and reporting. eLandfill can streamline compliance efforts by automating data collection, analysis, and reporting processes, ensuring that operators remain in compliance with regulatory standards and deadlines.

And last but not least, a major struggle exists in the access of knowledge. We see too often managers not getting an overview of their system and technician not able to access to simple and efficient work procedure. The transparency and accessibility of data provided by the platform can facilitate stakeholder engagement and collaboration in methane emissions reduction efforts.

Overall, eLandfill platform can play a crucial role in reducing methane emissions by providing actionable insights, optimizing waste management practices, enhancing regulatory compliance, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders.

eLandfill starts its development on the French market

Pihourc site in the south of France operated by SYSTOM des Pyrénées collects landfill gas. It valorizes it with injection into the network using the technology provided by WAGA Energy. After recent organizational changes, the operator has started to use eLandfill to optimize their daily tasks and the management of the site. We welcome this new site in their digital transformation!

eLandfill is an online platform made specially for landfill operators which helps them to digitize their daily tasks, including monitoring and maintenance. The tool facilitates data flows and collaboration between different stakeholders.

ReSource is an exhibitor at ECOMONDO 2022

ReSource is an exhibitor at ECOMONDO, on 8-11th November, in Rimini, Italy

Meet ReSource and its partner MBP Solutions at ECOMONDO 2022, the reference event in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin for the green and circular economy. Ecomondo is an international hub where all the drivers of the ecological transition are presented and discussed.

We will be presenting our innovative services to the waste industry. Come to our booth to learn about landfill digitalization with eLandfill and our methane emissions quantification method GASTRAQ.

You can find us in Hall D5, area dedicated to Circular bioeconomy and bioenergy, Stand 03. We will be presenting our service along with our partner MBP Solutions, specialized in environmental consulting and services. We solve issues with quality and innovation in mind. We aim to combine traditional consulting and services with an innovative approach and a strong focus on operation. Our unique approach and quality of work are what make our customers satisfied.

eLandfill receives development fund from the Icelandic Energy Fund

ReSource received a fund from the Icelandic Energy Fund for the development of its new eLandfill module focused on energy production.

The new Gas Module will help users to increase their landfill gas collection and their production of energy. We are working hard on making monitoring data available for the operators so they have a better understanding of their site over time and over space. More information can be found on the official page

The Energy fund is run by the National Energy Authority of Iceland.


Our newly launched digital platform for landfill management eLandfill has received the “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution” Label

Our solution eLandfill, digital platform for landfill operation, has received in September 2021 the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label. It is the first label to assess the economic profitability of products or processes that protect the environment. The Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label is attributed following a strict selection process performed by external independent experts.

By ensuring high standards of sustainability and profitability, this internationally recognized label is considered a recognition for innovators. We are proud to have received such recognition and the whole team at ReSource is pushing hard in the development of the new eLandfill platform for our big launch next month.

You can find more information on eLandfill here.